

When a family is considering online school for their child, there are a few questions that always come up: 

How much does online school cost? 网上学校贵吗?? 网上学校便宜吗?? 网上学校免费吗??

在任何重大决定中,成本当然是一个因素,你孩子的教育也不例外. 了解更多与在线学校相关的费用,包括公立和私立. 

Understanding the 成本 of Online School

How Much Is Online Public School?

Public online elementary school is generally tuition-free. 虽然像大多数公立学校一样,小学教育也有费用,包括实地考察费和学习用品, 推荐正规买球平台 provides online K-12 school programming tuition-free. 

公立在线高中和初中的费用与传统的面对面学校相同, 这意味着父母可以免费送孩子上在线公立高中或初中, apart from specific program or extracurricular activity fees. If you are considering attending a private online school, 虽然, expect to pay tuition fees for enrollment, which can vary greatly from school to school.  

How Much Is Online Private School?

私立学校通常提供高级学习的课程和机会,这在公立学校中并不总是可以获得的, such as Advanced Placement® courses*, 全年制教育, 或者兼职课程. 对于关心网上私立高中价格的家庭来说,学校很喜欢 培生在线学院 提供奖学金和学费资助计划,帮助学生实现学业目标.

How Much Is Public School in-Person vs. 远程学习?

都是公立学校 传统和在线, offer tuition-free education to enrolled students. 然而,家长应该考虑到作为一名学生的额外费用. 

例如, 传统公立学校的学生将不得不购买学习用品,并支付与教育相关的课外活动费用.

对于参加在线学校的学生来说,这些额外的费用会减少一些,但不是全部. 家庭可能需要建立一个 专门的学习空间 ,并购买 额外的用品,如电脑或补充学习材料, which together could become a significant amount. 然而,在线学校有时在入学时为家庭提供这种设备. 


是的! 像大多数公立学校一样, Connections academy支持的在线公立学校在K-12年级是免费的. 虽然每所学校可能会提供额外的课程和教育机会,但可能会产生额外的费用, 连接学院的在线教育对家庭免费,与其他公立学校的选择类似,由州税收资助. Reach out to one of our enrollment specialists, to learn more about enrolling your student in 推荐正规买球平台.  

How to Decide on the Right School Option for Your Family

在为你的孩子选择一所合适的K-12学校时,有很多事情需要考虑. 随着现代科技的发展,今天的父母有更多的学校选择. In-person or virtual school? 公立或私立?

The Difference Between Public and Private Online Schools

Many parents may be surprised to learn that, just like brick-and-mortar schools, there are public and private online schools. 也, like brick-and-mortar schools, 在线公立学校通常由州或当地学区赞助. 他们必须满足州和/或地区的课程和出勤要求, as well as teacher certification requirements. Similar to a brick-and-mortar school, tuition-free online public schools have geographical boundaries, 通常在全州范围内, since students must all come from the same state. 在线公立学校的学生也要参加与实体公立学校相同的州规定考试.

Like their brick-and-mortar counterparts, 网上私立学校 have more flexibility in their curriculum and class offerings, such as year-round school and Advanced Placement courses, 而且学生通常不受限于住在某些学区上学.


Tuition-Free Public Online Schools—What’s Provided to Students?

Technology plays a significant role in the online school experience. Many tuition-free online public schools like 推荐正规买球平台® 根据州的不同,免费为学生提供计算机. Students may also use their own computers if they choose.

连接学院和其他在线公立学校也为家庭免费提供所需的教科书和教学材料, which may be digital or physical, 视年级而定, 主题, 和国家. 

What’s Provided by Families?

Families cover the cost of most of the same supplies—pencils, 橡皮擦, 笔记本电脑, 诸如此类——就像那些有学生在实体学校就读的家庭一样. Having a working printer near the student’s 学习的空间 是有益的, 虽然这不是必要的,因为在线学生将在网上完成大部分作业,并提交电子文件,而不是硬拷贝.  

在线公立学校通常全年提供可选的亲自实地考察. These trips provide opportunities for students to connect with their peers 以及学术发展. Families are responsible for any fees not covered by the school, such as transportation costs related to these outings.

Young students playing drums on a field trip


Many factors go into deciding where your child goes to school, and parents will need to do research and consider many aspects. 家庭可能 选择网上学校 原因如下: 

  • 量身定制的课程:与老师一起制定个性化的学习计划,帮助学生以最适合他们的教育需求和目标的方式学习. 

  • 灵活的时间安排:在网上学校注册后,家庭对学生的日常学习安排有了更多的控制权.

  • 支持环境:在线学校感谢家长的投入,并提供一个安全的环境, 欢迎空间,支持学生作为个人,优先考虑他们的学业成就和个人成长. 

When looking for school options, families may want to explore all the options available in their area, 比如特许学校, 公立中学, 或者以前在家上学 做决定.


虽然每个学校可能有点不同,一旦家庭决定 transfer their child to an online school,接下来的步骤很简单:

  • 指定一位家长或其他值得信赖的成年人作为孩子的学习教练. 

  • Set up a productive learning environment 

  • Show that your child meets the 入学要求.
    - Give proof of age and residency
    - Provide official transcripts
    - Unenroll from current school

  • Fill out the enrollment documents.

  • 被批准后,与你的学生的老师见面,准备在家在线教育!

How to Get Started with Online School

  1. Get your questions answered: Fill out an information form to review our eGuide, and talk to an enrollment specialist.  
  2. 找到一个 你身边的网络学校.
  3. Start the enrollment process: Pay nothing to enroll and get started. 
  4. 参加虚拟信息会议:Connections学院定期安排网络研讨会, virtual information sessions, 还有其他会见你所在州的在线学校代表的机会.

Still weighing school options? 没关系! 了解更多 about what online school provides families and why these parents made the switch. 

*Advanced Placement is a registered trademark of the 大学 Board. 经许可使用.  




Explore the benefits of attending 推荐正规买球平台这是一所免费的,经过认证的在线公立学校,致力于帮助您的孩子茁壮成长.  


